@angular/http |
@angular/http/testing |
BrowserXhr | A backend for http that uses the |
CookieXSRFStrategy |
XHRBackend | Creates |
XHRConnection | Creates connections using |
BaseRequestOptions | Subclass of |
RequestOptions | Creates a request options object to be optionally provided when instantiating a |
BaseResponseOptions | Subclass of |
ResponseOptions | Creates a response options object to be optionally provided when instantiating a |
Headers | |
Http | Performs http requests using |
Jsonp | |
HttpModule | The module that includes http's providers |
JsonpModule | The module that includes jsonp's providers |
Connection | Abstract class from which real connections are derived. |
ConnectionBackend | Abstract class from which real backends are derived. |
XSRFStrategy | An XSRFStrategy configures XSRF protection (e.g. via headers) on an HTTP request. |
Request | Creates |
Response | Creates |
QueryEncoder | |
URLSearchParams | Map-like representation of url search parameters, based on URLSearchParams in the url living standard, with several extensions for merging URLSearchParams objects:
JSONPBackend | A |
JSONPConnection | Base class for an in-flight JSONP request. |
ReadyState | All possible states in which a connection can be, based on States from the |
RequestMethod | |
ResponseContentType | Define which buffer to use to store the response |
ResponseType | Acceptable response types to be associated with a |
RequestOptionsArgs | Interface for options to construct a RequestOptions, based on RequestInit from the Fetch spec. |
ResponseOptionsArgs | Interface for options to construct a Response, based on ResponseInit from the Fetch spec. |