@angular/forms |
AbstractControlDirective | Base class for control directives. |
AbstractFormGroupDirective | This is a base class for code shared between |
ControlContainer | A directive that contains multiple |
NgControl | A base class that all control directive extend. It binds a |
FormBuilder | Creates an 使用用户指定的配置创建 |
AbstractControl | This is the base class for 这是 |
FormArray | Tracks the value and validity state of an array of 跟踪一个控件数组的值和有效性状态,控件可以是 |
FormControl | Tracks the value and validation status of an individual form control. 跟踪独立表单控件的值和验证状态。 |
FormGroup | Tracks the value and validity state of a group of 跟踪一组 |
Validators | Provides a set of built-in validators that can be used by form controls. 提供一组内置验证器,可用于各种表单控件。 |
FormsModule | The ng module for forms. 模板驱动表单的 NgModule。 |
ReactiveFormsModule | The ng module for reactive forms. 响应式表单的 NgModule。 |
ControlValueAccessor | A |
Form | An interface that 由 |
AsyncValidator | |
AsyncValidatorFn | |
Validator | An interface that can be implemented by classes that can act as validators. 一个接口,实现了它的类可以扮演验证器的角色。 |
ValidatorFn | |
AbstractControlOptions | Interface for options provided to an 提供给 |
CheckboxControlValueAccessor | The accessor for writing a value and listening to changes on a checkbox input element. |
DefaultValueAccessor | The default accessor for writing a value and listening to changes that is used by the |
NgControlStatus | Directive automatically applied to Angular form controls that sets CSS classes based on control status. The following classes are applied as the properties become true: |
NgControlStatusGroup | Directive automatically applied to Angular form groups that sets CSS classes based on control status (valid/invalid/dirty/etc). |
NgForm | Creates a top-level 创建一个顶级的 |
NgModel | Creates a 根据领域对象创建一个 |
NgModelGroup | Creates and binds a |
RadioControlValueAccessor | Writes radio control values and listens to radio control changes. |
FormControlDirective | Syncs a standalone |
FormControlName | Syncs a 根据名字将现有 |
FormGroupDirective | Binds an existing |
FormArrayName | Syncs a nested |
FormGroupName | Syncs a nested |
NgSelectOption | Marks 把选项 |
SelectControlValueAccessor | Writes values and listens to changes on a select element. 在 |
SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor | The accessor for writing a value and listening to changes on a select element. |
CheckboxRequiredValidator | A Directive that adds the 该指令会借助 |
EmailValidator | A Directive that adds the 该指令会借助 |
MaxLengthValidator | A directive which installs the |
MinLengthValidator | A directive which installs the |
PatternValidator | A Directive that adds the 该指令会借助 |
RequiredValidator | A Directive that adds the 该指令会借助 |
NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR | Used to provide a |
COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE | Turn this mode on if you want form directives to buffer IME input until compositionend |
ValidationErrors | |